Heaven's Trashcan

Tianshi - 20 - any pronouns OK



  • ❤ 王耀 | China ❤

  • ❤ Mongolia, India, Russia, Japan, England (derogatory) ❤

  • -- Ships --

  • 朝耀 | Iggychu

  • 菊耀 | Nichu

  • 蒙耀 | monchu

  • Indchu, Rochu, Romechu, allyao, allies/yao, Amechu

  • Mongolia/Russia (reversible)

  • -- Notes --

  • 左右固定 | fixed dynamics

  • 右耀 | bottom yao 99%

  • --Special Section aka friend's ships--

  • RusPrus, NiAme, UKUS, AllPrus lol

  • --NOTP (idc if u ship but i wont engage)--

  • Asakiku, Amepan, UK/HK (any dynamic), ChuViet (any dynamic)


  • First of all, disclaimer :) I am manchu and hui chinese, from mainland, I have grown up mostly overseas (in canada) however I was born there and visit semi-frequently.

  • I love history + historical hetalia, so expect to find that in my fics and art, but I don't engage with hetalia as 1:1 with history, politics or reality.

  • There are very sensitive topics here. I try to stay away from topics that I a) don't understand and b) don't have much of a right to speak on or romanticize ie. another country's suffering, but if it's my culture and country it's fair game to me. if this makes you uncomfortable, FUB free

  • I do not view any of these historical issues lightly, and feel very strongly about them IRL, however, I separate Hetalia into a vaguely fictional space to explore things without bringing real people into them.

Fandoms and Ships - in order of activeness


  • ❤ Nie Huaisang (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) ❤

  • ❤ Other favs: Wei Wuxian, Xue Yang, Lan Wangji, Jin Guangyao, Lan Xichen ❤

  • ❤ Ships:

  • Wangxian

  • Sangyao

  • All/Huaisang

  • ❤ Bottom NHS enthusiast <3

  • ❤ Bottom WWX and top LWJ



  • ❤ Not very strict about canon BingQiu dynamics and enjoyer of QiuBing, preference for Binghe biased content. probably wont retweet any non canon dynamics here but jsyk. my NSFW will have bingbing content tho!!!

TMRHP | allHP | bottom HP only


  • There are incest ships, age gap ships and toxic ships with unhealthy dynamics here

  • I might retweet suggestive or nsfw tweets, fics, etc. PLEASE proceed with caution

  • FUB free! I don't take it personally, my content isn't for everyone and I also block/unfollow pretty freely too

  • I mute, and sometimes block, very very often based off of almost anything, and it's pretty much never personal. I mean no offense by it u.u

  • Very retweet heavy!!!


  • Homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.

  • Support any of the toxic content IRL


  • anti-feminists and everything else like that. If you believe we no longer need to move forward with feminism, please DNI

  • Antis/if u wanna start shit over ships